Noticias y eventos

Second Icod Symposium Madrid March 21st 2023

Trismo 21 Research Society
Scienza incontra Down
ICOD simposium Troina

Trismo 21 Research Society (T21RS) 2024

We are glad to announce that the next Trismo 21 Research Society (T21RS) international meeting will be held in Rome in 2024! The proposal submitted by the Italian Researchers has been positively evaluated and largely voted by the members of T21RS during last Conference in Long-Beach (CA, USA). It will be a unique opportunity for Italy to bring together Researchers, clinicians and mostly important families and people with Down Syndrome. We will work all together and closely with National Association to organize a successful Conference! The ICOD project will be at the first line to provide families with updates about the ongoing results and with the hope to make the difference in DS treatment.

Scienza incontra Down organized by the Italian Task force for Down Syndrome

Saturday 25th June 2022, from 3:30 to 4:30 P.M, Prof. Filippo Caraci, Professor of Pharmacology at University of Catania & UOR of Neuropharmacology (IRCCS Oasi Troina), will give a seminar for DS families on the ICOD project entitled:

"The treatment of cognitive deficits in Down syndrome: The European ICOD Project".

Please connect to the following link on the Zoom Platform:
Meeting ID: 844 9319 8250 - Passcode: X8U6aR

The first ICOD symposium in Troina March 21st, 2022

On the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day and in the framework of the H2020 EU-funded ICOD (Improving COgnition in Down Syndrome) project (, the partner members have organized the first ICOD symposium in collaboration with the Italian Task force for DS.

The ICOD symposium was dedicated to discuss in lay terms the most relevant findings in the field of cognition in DS.
150 people were present in the conference room including 100 DS families.
300 people attended the ICOD symposium via Zoom including 150 DS families from different European countries. English was the official language of the event, but live translation in Italian language was available on the Zoom platform.

Great emotions and great participation from DS families!! Discussion sections were planned for families (100 DS families present in Troina and 150 online) and DS associations to promote face-to-face interaction with researchers involved in the ICOD project as well as with the other speakers of the ICOD symposium. More than 30 questions arrived from DS families and DS European associations (French, Spanish, Italian) on the ICOD project.
This event was designed in close cooperation with the European Down syndrome Association (EDSA) and Spanish, French, Italian DS organizations, such as the Italian Association for DS individuals (AIPD), the National Coordination of the Italian Associations of individuals with DS (, ANFFAS.
The Italian Task Force for DS including the Presidents of AIPD and Coordown helped us to promote the direct interaction between ICOD researchers and DS families.

The ICOD symposium was registered and morning session and afternoon sessions are available on You Tube to the following links:

Morning session:

Afternoon session:

The ICOD project (Improving COgnition in Down syndrome), funded by European Union, aims to address these unmet clinical needs with a first-in-class new pharmacological treatment (AEF0217) developed by AELIS Farma and specifically designed to address the core cognitive impairment of individuals with DS: working memory. Working memory and memory flexibility play an important role in everyday tasks like following instructions, planning activities or understanding a conversation.

The first ICOD symposium will take place in Troina in 2022 at IRCCS Oasi Research Institute on the occasion of the World Down syndrome Day (March 21st). The symposium will be specifically dedicated to increase the knowledge about innovative therapeutic approaches in the management of cognitive deficits in DS. 

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